At the start of each new billing cycle, we try to fetch your latest statement PDF from Gmail. There may be a brief period, typically a day or two when you might see the "Awaiting Statement" state. Once we receive your PDF, we process it on-device and update your bill-due amount.
If you're still experiencing issues with statement detection, they may be caused by the following -
- Change in Statement Generation Date: Verify that the statement date in your PDF matches the previous billing cycle's statement date (note: this refers to the date inside the PDF, not when the email arrived).
- Change in Card Number: Ensure your card number has not changed. Currently, we do not support cases where the card number has been altered. We are working on this.
- Change in PDF Layout: If the credit card issuer of the statement changes the PDF layout, please let us know, as we will need to fix this on our end.
- Shared/Add-on Cards: Getting the same statement for shared/add-on cards (usually ICICI cc) will not work at this time; we have plans to support this very soon.
If the above does not resolve your issue and the email containing the statement PDF is in your inbox, please report an error at, and we will investigate further!