Your credit card transaction may be missing because of the following reasons -
- No Email: We rely on email alerts to track your credit card transactions. If you can't see a transaction in Fold, do check if you have received an email alert for the missing transaction on the email address linked on Fold.
- Manually Forwarded Emails: Manually forwarded emails will not be detected, as we only read emails sent by your card issuers.
- Deleted Emails: If you delete your transaction emails, please only do so after they have been added by Fold.
- Unsupported Transaction Type: If you can see the email alert for the missing transaction, it is possible the transaction type is not supported, such as EMIs, refund/reversal transactions, add-on Card-related transactions, and UPI transactions.
- Syncing issue with Gmail: There maybe some cases where your Gmail authorization is expired which could cause the syncing issue. To resolve this, go to Profile > Credit cards. Tap on update syncing email.
Resetting Transaction Syncing -
If your transactions are missing and they are in your inbox, you can reset the syncing time -
- Go to the credit card details view and tap on the flag icon at the bottom right. This will open the "Missing Transaction" sheet.
- Select 'Yes, it's in my inbox' and then choose 'Attempt Transaction Re-sync'.
- Fold will then attempt to re-fetch your credit card transactions and statements from the past 30 days.
If your missing transaction does not fall within the above categories, please write to us and we will further investigate the issue.